Cacophony To Symphony di Ankit Khemka edito da Cyscoprime Publishers
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Cacophony To Symphony





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Descrizione Cacophony To Symphony

Research has shown that 72% of new software products and services innovation fails to deliver on expectations. It implies 7 out of 10 products are outright rejected by the customers as soon as they are launched. Failure to understand customer needs and fixing a non-existent problem are the primary reasons for these products and services to fail. The primary cause of the collapse could be a dearth of customer focus and rigor during the product development and engineering journey. There are various other internal dynamics within the company and the engineering unit for the downfall of the product. It could be distorted vision & goals, misaligned stakeholders, inadequate demarcation of roles and responsibilities, incoherent engineering processes, lack of discipline, compromising view towards quality, and incompetency in timely decision-making. It leads to wastage of everyone's time in unplanned, random tasks without any unified goal for the team, perpetually resulting in defective software product versions in the market, and substandard customer experience. Cacophony to Symphony is a step by step guide to transform the software product development shop from chaos to order, from discord to harmony. It walks you through the proven techniques to build software in a much simplified and efficient manner by mitigating, maneuvering through the uncertainties and complexities of the software ecosystem. The book plunges in the crucial facets of software engineering voyage, that are typically overlooked in a rush to create and deliver products faster. It serves a single point of reference for anyone who plans to venture in a start-up or set up a product development garage from scratch. It is also useful for the small and medium-sized product companies aspiring to shift gears and grow exponentially with better market relevance and sustenance. The book offers you with the fundamental blocks along with its right placement to build a seamless product manufacturing system through standardized processes, best practices with customer-centricity. The engineering, project, program managers, and aspiring software management professionals will find this book as a ready reference for their encounters and queries pertaining to software development and program execution from concept to delivery.

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