Business Without Bosses di Charles C. Manz, Manz, Sims edito da John Wiley & Sons
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Business Without Bosses

How Self-Managing Teams Are Building High- Performing Companies





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The Truth About Teams "If you're considering self-managing teams for your own business, Business Without Bosses should be on your reading list." -Managing Office Technology "Anyone who wants to become or stay a manager needs to master this book's practical and philosophical lessons." -Allan R. Cohen Vice President, Academic Affairs, Babson College and author, The Portable MBA in Management and Influence without Authority "The 'real-world' case studies will appeal to executives who need answers, not theory, about self-managed teams." -William Band Vice President, Rath & Strong, Inc., management consultants and the author of Creating Value for Customers and Touchstones This insider's tour shows you how organizations including Texas Instruments, IDS Financial Services, and W. L. Gore & Associates have discarded the old concept of "boss" and flourished with a new and effective team management style. Charles C. Manz, Ph.D. and Henry P. Sims, Jr., Ph.D., the authors of SuperLeadership, use real-world examples of success and failure to guide you through the intricacies of teamwork in a variety of service and manufacturing settings and in all stages of development.

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