Business Shouldn't Be This Tough di Steve Gaskell edito da
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Business Shouldn't Be This Tough

When You Get Out Of Your Own Way!






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Descrizione Business Shouldn't Be This Tough

Let's face it business is tough and there are no quick fixes. Growing a successful business takes bloody hard work, commitment, courage and a bucket load of resilience. The questions I will pose in this book are those of your aim, where you want to go and what you want to achieve. Clarity on where you are now and what's getting in the way or slowing you down? In this book, together, we'll focus on what your success mindset needs to be, how you'll need to beat the resistance, starting with your own interFEARence and head trash. We'll set the conditions for success and highlight just what it takes to have a business above the parapet. It's my job as your coach to raise your awareness, to challenge you to take responsibility and getting to take massive action and make commitment to yourself. After that I'll even offer a business rhythm to not only keep you on track also to inspire greater growth. In plain and simple terms you'll understand why you are the cause, effect and solution to being successful.

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