Business Management Solutions di Patricia Barnett-Quaicoo edito da AUSTIN MACAULEY
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Business Management Solutions

Practical Steps For Solving Problems In Your Business





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Descrizione Business Management Solutions

The complexity of managing a business today has increased exponentially due to rapid technological advancement and global events. This implies that the solutions of yesterday may not be applicable today or in the near future. Some of the major problems faced by businesses today include financial management, competition, strategy, change and innovation. Business managers must therefore development a comprehensive understanding of business organisations and equip themselves with knowledge in subject areas such as Value Creation, Value Management, Organisational Transformation, Leadership, Innovation, Change Management and Strategic Thinking. This requires practical knowledge of principles and theories such as SWOT and PESTEL analysis to help them to conduct a situational analysis of their businesses when the need arises. This is what the author seeks to achieve by providing practical examples of how business problems can be solved.

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