Business Is the People & People Are the Business di Vahe Akay edito da iUniverse
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Business Is the People & People Are the Business

Break One and the Other Will Break, How Ethics and Etiquette Protect Both







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Descrizione Business Is the People & People Are the Business

In today's business world, competition is fierce and appears from every corner of the globe. But the key factor in success for any business entity is its people. Business is the People & People are the Business emphasizes the critical relationship between healthy personnel and the success of companies, industries, and society. It approaches the topics of establishing, managing, and conducting business from the human side of the equation rather than from the bottom-line alone. Author Vahé Akay addresses the six key components of any business entity: · Healthy personnel · Sound management · Smart organization · Effective communication · Appropriate Policies and procedures · Successful Products Akay explains what is considered ethical and proper etiquette and what is not, and how to apply these concepts to the six components in order to create a humanized corporation. To better explain and communicate these crucial topics, Akay uses several personal experiences from his twenty-four-year professional career. He also shares the personal tragedies that shaped his appreciation for the human component of business. Business is the People & People are the Business presents a personal and professional evolution in workplace ethics that demonstrates how employees and businesses can evolve and reach new heights together.

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