Bullard of the Space Patrol di Malcolm Jameson edito da Lulu.com
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Bullard of the Space Patrol







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Descrizione Bullard of the Space Patrol

A FICTION HOUSE PRESS REPRINT: JOHN BULLARD was born on Terra, in the ancient district of Ohio, in 3915, and his story is science fiction in the tradition of fine storytelling. No bugeyed monsters of the "space operas" here, but the adventures of a clever man, not physically outstanding in any way, who passed almost unnoticed from the Patrol Academy into the Service, there to become the almost legendary hero of the space fleet. Keeping the peace of the inner and outer planets was no easy job. It fell to Commander Bullard to put down the rebellious criminals long since banished to other planets, to fight in grim wars which encompassed not the nations of our time but the planets of the universe, and last but not least, to cut through the red tape of Terra's bureaucracy. His clever use of the extraordinary machines and weapons of a future age brought him a fame unequaled among the mariners of deep space.

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