Building a Fortune in Business: Entrepreneurial Success by Trump University [With Earbuds] edito da Findaway World

Building a Fortune in Business: Entrepreneurial Success by Trump University [With Earbuds]





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Descrizione Building a Fortune in Business: Entrepreneurial Success by Trump University [With Earbuds]

Learn the ultimate goal-setting discipline from a man who knows how to turn his goals into wealth. Discover the millionaire mindset-the Trump way! Learn specific financial management techniques from "The Donald" plus his thoughts on promoting your agenda. There are multiple paths to wealth, learn the perfect path for you. If you start or own a business, the odds are against your success. Eighty percent of new companies fail in the first five years, and many of the survivors struggle to keep afloat. Even successful entrepreneurs pay dearly for their achievements, with long hours, few vacations, and constant financial anxiety but it doesn't have to be that way. There is a way to build a flourishing business and have a life you can call your own, and the speakers in this audio series can help you achieve your goals.

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