Build Self-Confidence di Alankrita edito da V&S Publishers
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Build Self-Confidence

Practical Guidelines For Personal And Professional Success





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Descrizione Build Self-Confidence

Life is never a bed of roses. However, if we know how to negotiate our way between the thorns and hurdles of life. The greatest asset in the quest for success and happiness is our measure of self-confidence. More than half of all life`s battles are won or lost in the mind. Therefore, a person needs to saturate his or her mind with positive thoughts at all times. Our mind will then play host to many big ideas. Converting these big ideas into practical goals and long-term success calls for dollops of vision, hard work and perseverance. This book shows you how to shake off all the sloth and lethargy and get cracking right away on your tasks and goals in life. The book is liberally sprinkled with myriad stories, anecdotes and events that inspire us to follow in the footsteps of those who achieved greatness. It teaches you how to overcome old habits and encumbrances on your journey to the highest peaks and how to mould your circumstances, rather than be moulded by them. And once you learn to face life head-on with loads of self-assurance and self-confidence, success and well-being will be yours for the asking. Highlights: *Learning from the lives of great people: Washington, Rousseau, Ram Mohan Roy, Swami Ram Tirath*Art of Communication and Oratory*Foes of greatness: Inconsistency, Lethargy, Procrastination, Timidity, Monotony*Greatest Comebacks of human history: Roosevelt, Mandela

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