Brown Eyes di Frances Ive edito da Five Press
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Brown Eyes

The family dog sees everything


Five Press





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Descrizione Brown Eyes

A watchful eye as a marriage falls apart. The phone call, the rows, and the split are all observed by the family Labrador. He knows the habits and senses the moods of his beloved family members. Seeing them unhappy and hurting each other is unbearable. Where did his perfect life go? Her marriage to Phil in crisis, two children at the challenging teenage stage, and a close friend in peril, Meriel's world is falling apart. She finds solace in the arms of another man, but is this the answer for her? It is her stubbornness that threatens the family's future together, until a major loss has a life-changing effect on her. A sliver of hope returns. Like a fly on the wall, Benji the dog sees it all. Narrated by both the dog and Meriel, Brown Eyes is a novella (a short read) written by the author of Finding Jo.

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