Broken Crayons and Sand in Their Shoes di Lloyd Wright edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Broken Crayons and Sand in Their Shoes







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Descrizione Broken Crayons and Sand in Their Shoes

"Broken Crayons and Sand in their Shoes," is a book containing twenty one short stories and one poem. The title of the book and the stories which contain reference to broken crayons and sand in their shoes are from observing the children I read to. When they come in from the playground their shoes are full of sand and broken crayons are lying on the floor. Since Christmas is my favorite time of the year several stories are about Christmas. Other stories are about animals and children. The story Maddie, was written to make people aware of diabetes. It used to be uncommon for children to have diabetes but not any more. I tried to incorporate in my book stories showing love, laughter, sharing, and giving. I am a volunteer that is lucky enough to find kindergarten classes that will share their time with me. They all call me, "Gramps."

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