British Muslims di Philip Lewis, Sadek Hamid edito da Edinburgh University Press
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British Muslims

New Directions in Islamic Thought, Creativity and Activism





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'A timely antidote to the, arguably, twisted characterisation and popular perception of British Muslims in circulation.' Humayn Ansari, Royal Holloway A new generation of Muslims - activists, academics, religious scholars and professionals - are drawing on contemporary reformist thinking that is emerging from outside their parents' or grandparents' tradition. And they are using this to inform their activism. This positive new thinking is traced as it impacts and shapes the burgeoning field of Muslim women's activism, the formation of religious leaders, what is to count as 'Muslim politics', the dynamics of de-radicalisation, and what has been dubbed the 'New Muslim Cool' in music, fashion and culture. A collaboration between two academics, one Muslim and one not, this book gives a distinctive take on understanding Islam and Muslims in Britain today. Philip Lewis is the author of Young, British and Muslim (2007). Sadek Hamid is a Senior Researcher at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies at the University of Oxford. He is the author of Sufis, Salafis and Islamists: The Contested Ground of British Islamic Activism (2016). Cover image: Cover design: [EUP logo] ISBN (cover): 978-1-4744-3276-4 ISBN (PPC): 978-1-4744-3275-7 Barcode

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