The Bridge in the Jungle di Bruno Traven edito da SUNERGY INTL OF THE AMER
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The Bridge in the Jungle





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Descrizione The Bridge in the Jungle

A simple story of Indian Mexican people thru the eyes of a Gringo who was with them for 3 days. They come together in heart and soul as they face the death of a young boy. As news travels during the same night as the tragedy, throughout the jungle settlements, many Indians arrive to console the grieving mother. The community unites in a way that the so-called advanced societies can never achieve. It is a philosophic story rather than political as are most of Trven's novel - to a point. "The Bidge in The Jungle" is regarded by many to be his finest novel. The reader finishes this story with renewed faith and the courage and dignity of human beings. A Collector's Edition.

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