A Bride for McKenzie di Cheryl Wright edito da Cheryl Wright - Sole Trader
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A Bride for McKenzie





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Descrizione A Bride for McKenzie

Sheriff McKenzie Dunn doesn't need a wife. He's doing just fine without one. After seeing the happiness of his friend who sent for a mail order bride, McKenzie decides to send for one himself. After all, it would enhance his standing in the community to be married. When his bride steps off the stagecoach, McKenzie realizes he's made a huge mistake. Verity LeFebvre is left in a desperate situation after her wealthy father dies suddenly and her uncle inherits everything. Unless she wants to live in poverty, her only other choice is to become a mail order bride. Can Verity keep her heart safe from her sheriff husband who doesn't seem overly interested in her? And will McKenzie realize how much he loves his wife when danger follows her? Author's Promise: This is a heartwarming historical novella with a happily ever after ending and no cliffhangers. It is a clean and wholesome story with nothing more than hugs, kisses, and holding hands.

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