Branding di Michael Johnson edito da Thames & Hudson Ltd
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In Five and a Half Steps





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Descrizione Branding

Michael Johnson is one of the world¿s leading graphic designers and brand consultants. His studio, johnson banks, is responsible for the rebranding of many notable clients, including Virgin Atlantic, Think London, BFI, Christian Aid and MORE TH>N, and he has garnered a plethora of awards in the process. In Branding , Johnson strips the most famous, everyday brands down to their basic components, enabling us to understand why we select one product or service over another and allowing us to comprehend how seemingly subtle influences can affect our key life decisions. The first part of the book shows how the birth of a brand begins not with finding a solution, but rather with identifying the correct question ¿ the missing gap in the market ¿ to which an answer is needed. Johnson proceeds to unveil all the secret elements involved in creating a successful brand ¿ from the strapline that gives the brand a narrative and a purpose, to clever uses of typography that unite design and language to reinforce a fundamental message. With more than 1,000 vibrant illustrations showcasing the world¿s most successful corporate identities, as well as generic templates that enable readers to create their own brand or piece of advertising with ease, Branding is an authoritative guide through every step of the lengthy development process required to create the simplest and most immediately compelling brands.

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