The Brand of Vindex di Tracy French edito da Popular Publications
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The Brand of Vindex

The Complete Adventures of Captain Vindex





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Descrizione The Brand of Vindex

Step into the thrilling world of Captain Vindex, the last of the pulp heroes! Unveiled in this edition, join Vindex and his team of five extraordinary assistants as they wage a relentless battle against The Parson, a super-criminal of cunning malevolence. This collection compiles all three gripping adventures from the pages of Detective Fiction Weekly. A gem of the mid-1930s, the Captain Vindex series, previously unreprinted, emerges as a pulse-pounding tribute to the golden age of pulp heroes. Immerse yourself in the riveting narratives that echo the spirit of Doc Savage and The Shadow, where justice takes on new dimensions, and the battle between hero and villain reaches unparalleled heights. Brace for an exhilarating journey through the past, where the indomitable Captain Vindex reigns supreme, and each page unfolds a tapestry of suspense, danger, and heroism.

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