Boys in the Wilderness di Lawrence L. Ericsson edito da AuthorHouse
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Boys in the Wilderness







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Descrizione Boys in the Wilderness

This is a light-hearted, oftentimes humorous commentary about men and boys on a wilderness canoe trip. With many intrigueing photos and text it shares personal glimpses into the interaction that unfolds between fellow companions as they encounter the vagaries of Mother Nature and act like boys. They laugh. They tease. They grunt and complain. They carry knives and they behave in ways not always appreciated back home. In 1980, the comedic film titled "The Gods Must be Crazy" presented a satirical comparison of contemporary values with more primitive values by bringing together a culture of people who lived a life of interaction with the natural environment and a culture who did not. The intent of this entertaining little book is to share yet another low budget venture into the arena of human values and relationships as unfolded by the author's own introduction and journeys into one of the diminishing wilderness regions still remaining in the United States; the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in northern Minnesota and southern Canada. There may be some casual social commentary but there are no claims of authority or righteousness in the book. There are only claims of fun and a little distrust of Mother Nature. She's sneaky.

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