Boys Get Anorexia Too di Jenny Langley edito da Sage Publications UK
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Boys Get Anorexia Too

Coping with Male Eating Disorders in the Family





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Descrizione Boys Get Anorexia Too

As seen on Richard and Judy!`This is a detailed observational account of severe Anorexia Nervosa in a boy, and the effect on his family. The descriptions of the disorder are written without jargon and with great accuracy. The book is packed with practical tips on how to manage everyday situations. This is truly a book that adolescents, their families, and clinicians should read' - Dr David Firth, Consultant Child and Adolescent PsychiatristThis unique and important book combines a mine of information with a readable and engaging case study. The author was shocked and horrified when her son developed anorexia at the age of twelve. She turned her attention to finding out as much as she could about how best to combat this terrifying illness. Her son is now fully recovered and has supported this book that not only describes their experiences, but also provides a practical guide on how to cope with male eating disorders.A much needed resource for other parents in similar situations, the book will also be of interest to people working in health centres, clinics and hospitals. It will also be invaluable for youth support groups, teachers and sports coaching staff, who are often the first to be aware of concerns about eating disorders in young men.

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