The Boy with the Blue Cap: Van Gogh in Arles di Norman Beaupre edito da LITFIRE PUB LLC
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The Boy with the Blue Cap: Van Gogh in Arles

Van Gogh in Arles





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Descrizione The Boy with the Blue Cap: Van Gogh in Arles

Melding the historical, the imaginary, and the fine arts, The Boy with the Blue Cap presents the story behind Van Gogh's paintings through the narrative of a young, precocious boy, Camille Roulin, son of a postal worker. Camille develops a close relationship with the artist and pulls the reader into the story as he follows Van Gogh around Arles, exploring his world of vibrant color and artistry. When Van Gogh meets two gypsy women, events in and around Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, heat up, providing an element of intrigue. Weaving the artistic life of Van Gogh, his spiritual thoughts, and his relationship to Gauguin, into the story of a boy and his family, the novel explores the exploits and talent of this great artist. It also captures the unique flavor of Provençal life during the eighteen month period in which Van Gogh lived and painted in the Midi.

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€ 21.37€ 22.50
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