Bosnia-Herzegovina di Vladimír Kacer edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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15 Years After Dayton





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Descrizione Bosnia-Herzegovina

This book deals with what impact has the process of Europeanization had on Bosnia-Herzegovina's (BiH) constitutional development, political process, economic development and security sector reform and how much it has contributed to maintaining territorial integrity of BiH. It shows the obstacles and problems associated with existence of BiH, particularly hinting at historical often hatred and struggle among the main ethnics - Bosniaks (Muslims), Serbs (mainly of Orthodox faith) and Croats (mainly Catholics) and their lack of trust especially after the 1992-1995 war atrocities. It also deals with the possible threats that could endanger the territorial integrity of BiH and addresses the weaknesses of the current political arrangement. Nevertheless, it attempts to show that BiH is indeed capable of surviving as a single territory. This is attributed to the very process of Europeanization in the aforementioned three areas. This book is designed for students of political sciences who want to gain more insight into the region, be it history of the conflict and ways of resolving it but also to the general public who want to learn more about history and current happenings in BiH.

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