Boris and His Baritone di Uncle Mike edito da Uncle Mike Stories
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Boris and His Baritone



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Descrizione Boris and His Baritone

We follow Boris, a bored little bear tired of the everyday toys and games, as he discovers new and exciting things to play when he travels to the local Instrument Shop. We share in his excitement and curiosity as he explores various musical instruments, finds a favorite one and brings it home to share with his family. Readers will enjoy whimsy, humor and rhyme as we share the love of music and creative possibilities that Boris experiences. Boris and His Baritone is a wonderful story about inspiring creativity in children through exploring new experiences, the joys of music and performing arts and connecting with family and friends.

Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
€ 15.67€ 16.50
Risparmi:€ 0.83(5%)
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