Books for Living di Will Schwalbe edito da Random House LCC US
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Books for Living

Some Thoughts on Reading, Reflecting, and Embracing Life





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From the author of the beloved New York Times best-selling The End of Your Life Book Club, an inspiring and magical exploration of the power of books to shape our lives in an era of constant connectivity.For Will Schwalbe, reading is a way to entertain himself but also to make sense of the world, and to find the answers to life's questions big and small. In each chapter, he discusses a particular book and how it relates to concerns we all share. These books span centuries and genres-from Stuart Little to The Girl on the Train, from David Copperfield to Wonder, from Giovanni's Room to Rebecca, and from 1984 to Gifts from the Sea. Throughout, Schwalbe tells stories from his life and focuses on the way certain books can help us honor those we've loved and lost, and also figure out how to live each day more fully.

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