The Bookers di Don C Becker edito da iUniverse
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The Bookers

San Francisco Memories: A Novel







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Descrizione The Bookers

When nineteen-year-old Constance Connors, the beautiful and carefree Hawaiian-born daughter of an Episcopalian minister, meets a newly graduated West Point cadet, Second Lieutenant Joseph Booker, she's instantly smitten. But it's not long before she finds herself pregnant, married, and living in the bleak winter landscape of Fort Riley, Kansas, in 1934. The Great Depression has engulfed the country. Desperately missing her family and her home, Constance suffers from an acute case of depression. But four years later Constance, her husband, and their three sons are transferred to the Presidio of San Francisco, California, a plum assignment in a city she will call home for the next sixty-five years. Beginning in the late 1930s and progressing through the turn of the century, The Bookers: San Francisco Memories is the nostalgic saga of the highly blessed Booker family. Tracing the years from Constance and Joseph's marriage through their sons' childhoods and adulthoods, author Don C. Becker pens a warm tale of growing up and growing old in San Francisco. Full of over seven decades of love, laughter, and life, The Bookers captures the heart of the American imagination.

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