The Book That Saved Beth di Lucy Santos edito da Austin Macauley Publishers LLC
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The Book That Saved Beth





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Descrizione The Book That Saved Beth

Can you imagine a world where you no longer have to attend school? Beth's wish is to never return to school again and play all day long. She is the opposite of her brother Michael who loves school and gets good grades. Beth does not complete her homework, preferring to play with her best friend Sally instead. One night, her history book magically transports her to the Land of Ignots. This is a place where children do not attend school, and they play all day long. Now Beth has a new family who all encourage her to play. Mayor Thunder Ignot introduces her as a new member in The Land of Ignots. Beth is so happy, but all is not as it seems. Will she return to her home or stay in the Land of Ignots?

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