The Book Store Rule di Janice Jones edito da URBAN BOOKS
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The Book Store Rule







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Descrizione The Book Store Rule

William and Aujanae Rucker have been satisfactorily married for six comfortable years; then along comes maneater April Colston. She is determined to have Aujanae's husband at all costs. April knows William and Aujanae are Christians. Heck, so is she. David Mathis and Toriyana Kent have been exclusively dating for several years, but David has just moved from Detroit to Phoenix. The pair do all they can to hold on to their relationship across the miles, but distance and the influences of a very beautiful woman, namely David's new pastor's assistant, put a strain on the trust and security they once shared.Darrin Osborne and Maleeka Davis are engaged to be married; however, after four years and just as many engagement rings, they have yet to set an actual wedding date. Will Maleeka continue to wait patiently for Darrin to get his act together and make their love official, or will Mr. Gerald Miller succeed in showing her how a real man is supposed to take care of his woman? Janice Jones shows readers that being a Christian couple doesn't always guarantee a happy, trouble-free relationship.

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