The Book Club Gets Their Man di Jane Capron edito da iUniverse
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The Book Club Gets Their Man







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Descrizione The Book Club Gets Their Man

Some retired people take to manufactured home communities like ducks to water, settling into the crowd, maybe ruffling a few feathers and squawking and squabbling a bit, but generally having fun swimming around in a social circle. Wildwood Estates in Eugene, Oregon, is a pleasant mobile home park with its own pond and clubhouse. Just outside the fence there's a path for walking the dogs and, for those who need it, a cemetery. Bobby Owens, the hated manager, frequently drunk and abusive to his wife and some of the residents, ends up a dead duck after the book club women plot his murder. Enter Andy Keller, summoned by her old friend and current Wildwood resident, Eloise Logan, a self-proclaimed spy. Andy is happy to help her friend but is startled by the hostility she encounters when she arrives at Wildwood. The homeowners, she finds, not only suspect she's come to accuse them of murder but also to shut down their drug business.

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