The Book of Card Tricks - For Drawing-Room and Stage Entertainments di R. Kunard edito da Mason Press
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The Book of Card Tricks - For Drawing-Room and Stage Entertainments


Mason Press





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Descrizione The Book of Card Tricks - For Drawing-Room and Stage Entertainments

This book comprises a practical treatise on the art of conjuring with cards, including detailed instructions and handy tips on mastering a variety of baffling card tricks. Complete with easy-to-follow instructions and simple illustrations, this text is ideal for the novice magician and is not to be missed by the discerning collector. The chapters of this text include: 'Introduction', 'Principles of Sleight of Hand', 'Sleight of Hand Tricks', 'Tricks with Ordinary Cards not Requiring Sleight of Hand', 'Tricks Requiring the Use of Prepared Cards or Sleight of Hand', 'Tricks Requiring Mechanical Cards or the Employment of Special Apparatus', and 'Card Sharper's Tricks'. We are proudly republishing this antique book now complete with a new introduction on card tricks.

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