Bonding with the Babies: An Uplifting Inspirational Romance di Deb Kastner edito da HARLEQUIN SALES CORP
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Bonding with the Babies: An Uplifting Inspirational Romance

An Uplifting Inspirational Romance





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Descrizione Bonding with the Babies: An Uplifting Inspirational Romance

The one who got away came back And she brought a twin surprise with her… After she rejected his public proposal, Frost Winslow didn't expect to see Zoey Lane again-with his infant twins in tow. Now Frost is determined to do right by his babies. But when the emotional support dog he's training keeps gravitating toward Zoey, it's clear she's hiding something more. As Frost grows into his new role as daddy, could a real family be in their future?From Love Inspired: Uplifting stories of faith, forgiveness and hope.K-9 Companions Book 1: Their Unbreakable Bond by Deb KastnerBook 2: Finding Her Way Back by Lisa CarterBook 3: The Veteran's Vow by Jill LynnBook 4: Her Easter Prayer by Lee Tobin McClainBook 5: Earning Her Trust by Brenda MintonBook 6: Guarding His Secret by Jill KemererBook 7: An Unlikely Alliance by Toni ShilohBook 9: A Reason to Stay by Deb KastnerBook 10: The Veteran's Holiday Home by Lee Tobin McClainBook 11: An Alaskan Christmas Promise by Belle CalhouneBook 12: A Steadfast Companion by Myra JohnsonBook 14: A Friend to Trust by Lee Tobin McClainBook 15: Her Alaskan Companion by Heidi McCahanBook 16: A Companion for Christmas by Lee Tobin McClainBook 17: Her Christmas Healing by Mindy ObenhausBook 18: Finding Their Way Back by Jenna MindelBook 19: Their Inseparable Bond by Jill WeatherholtBook 20: Bonding with the Babies by Deb KastnerBook 21: Her Son's Faithful Companion by Jill Weatherholt

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