Bonaparte Falls Apart di Margery Cuyler, Will Terry edito da Random House USA Inc
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Bonaparte Falls Apart

A Funny Skeleton Book for Kids and Toddlers





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Descrizione Bonaparte Falls Apart

Carve out family time for this clever and humorous Halloween-themed picture book about a skeleton who is falling to pieces that needs help pulling himself together. Bonaparte is having a tough time. It's hard for this young skeleton to just hang loose when he can't keep hold of himself. When he plays catch, his throwing arm literally takes a flyer. Eating lunch can be a real jaw-dropping occasion. How can he start school when he has so many screws loose? Luckily, Bonaparte hit the bone-anza when it came to his friends. Franky Stein, Black Widow, and Mummicula all have some boneheaded ideas to help pull him together. But will it be enough to boost his confidence and get him ready for the first day of school?

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