Bobby Wonderful: An Imperfect Son Buries His Parents di Bob Morris edito da TWELVE
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Bobby Wonderful: An Imperfect Son Buries His Parents

An Imperfect Son Buries His Parents







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Descrizione Bobby Wonderful: An Imperfect Son Buries His Parents

"His mother's last word was his name. His father's was "Wonderful." Together they inspired the title for this true story of love and redemption. Bob Morris was always the entertainer in his family, but not always a perfect son. When he finds his parents approaching the end of their lives, he begins to see his relationship to them in a whole new light and it changes his way of thinking. How does an adult child with flaws and limitations figure out how to do his best for his ailing parents while still carrying on and enjoying his own life? And when their final days on earth come, how can he give them the best possible end? In the tradition of bestselling memoirs by Christopher Buckley, Joan Didion, and with a dash of David Sedaris, BOBBY WONDERFUL recounts two poignant deaths and one family's struggle to find the silver lining in them. As accessible as he is insightful, Bob Morris infuses each moment of his profound emotional journey with dark comedy, spiritual inquiry and brutally honest self-examination. This is a little book. But it captures a big and universal experience"--

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