A Blue Voice Crying in the Wilderness of a Red State di David T. Morgan edito da Lulu.com
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A Blue Voice Crying in the Wilderness of a Red State







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Descrizione A Blue Voice Crying in the Wilderness of a Red State

The format and contents of this book are quite simple. There are three parts. Parts I and II consist of letters to the editor by the compiler--published letters in Part I and selected unpublished ones in Part II. The third part is an appendix that consists of an address the author and compiler presented to the Hemlock Society of San Diego on March 8, 2009. The book's contents will likely be controversial, since the writer lives in perhaps the Reddest of the Red states and his views in most instances are among the Bluest of the Blue--two main exceptions being the author's stand on illegal immigration and his approval of capital punishment for murderers. As for the appendix, it offers a strong argument in favor of "pulling the plug on Grandma," if she wants it pulled. In short, this book is sure to gladden the hearts of some and raise tempers to fever pitch in others.

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