Blood Moon Mountain di Helen Mitchell edito da Covenant Books
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Blood Moon Mountain





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Descrizione Blood Moon Mountain

A mysterious mountain, a blood-red moon and a ring with strange engravings on it; these are the images that have haunted Boston socialite Abigail Rose Claremont's dreams since she became a Christian. Though she prays for divine revelation and guidance, she receives no answer until she makes a fateful decision to escape an arranged marriage. Together with her friend, Lucinda, she sets out on a journey that takes her to a hidden world of unspeakable horror and injustice and where she learns quickly to rely upon her faith, wits, and humor to survive. Set in the backdrop of the beautiful Ozark Mountains, she will be led down many strange and dangerous paths. But as she travels these pathways, the meaning of her dream, her family's secrets, and God's plan for her begins to reveal itself. Blood Moon Mountain is a testament of faith and courage in the face of human bondage, prejudice, bigotry, forgiveness, and most of all, love.

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