Blood of Heaven - Child of Light di Chuck Lehning edito da
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Blood of Heaven - Child of Light






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Descrizione Blood of Heaven - Child of Light

Joshua Christian always thought of himself as a very average guy, despite his Palestinian heritage. But he found out how wrong he was when visited some friends of the priest who ran the orphanage Joshua grew up in. These friends turned out to be members of a fanatical cult determined to bring about the Tribulation and the second coming of Christ. The cult intended to bring about the Tribulation by releasing a virus engineered to kill essential food crops all over the world, causing famine, strife and war. They wanted to bring about the second coming by creating a clone of Jesus from blood taken from the true burial shroud. But what turned Joshua's world upside down was when they told him that he was the clone they created. Wanting no part of the cult's evil schemes, Joshua ran away from them with the help of wonderfully nice girl, named Lucy, who he met on the plane ride down. They try to warn the police and the FBI about the threat of the cult, but they are not taken seriously. It turns out that Lucy has some secrets of her own, so Joshua and Lucy take it upon themselves to travel about the country using Lucy's "talents" to destroy the stashes of contaminated fertilizer. But plans have a way of going awry, and when the cult catches up to them, Joshua finds himself in a situation where must give up his own life to save the girl he has grown to love.

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