Blessed Are the Different di Seana Reavis edito da Westbow Press
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Blessed Are the Different

Biblical Answers for Human Questions





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Descrizione Blessed Are the Different

When you discover that your child is going to be "different", it is common to have some questions. Those questions, while natural, often leave a person longing for answers and wondering if there are any to be found in the Bible. This book hopes to offer answers that are birthed from experience, but ultimately are rooted in the truths of God's Word. The Bible has a lot to say about God's creation, especially people. While this book is written from the perspective of a parent, it can be very beneficial to any relative or friend of someone who is blessed to be different. In this book you will find several of the most common questions or concerns regarding special needs and corresponding Bible verses with practical applications. With its concise question and answer format, it can be useful as a Bible study or reference guide to Scripture verses relating to special needs. In this book you will find that the Bible overflows with words of God's sovereign love and trustworthy faithfulness!

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