Black Sheep White Light di Jeremiah Messenger edito da Balboa Press
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Black Sheep White Light

Follow Your Bliss


Balboa Press





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Descrizione Black Sheep White Light

Jez at twenty-two has it all; good looks, popularity, a girlfriend, career but something doesn't feel right. He sees more to life than getting ahead. Inspired by the words of the beat writers and a rock-n-roll muse, Jez drops out of a physiotherapy degree and takes off overseas to follow his bliss. With a try anything once attitude, a passion for extreme sports, an interest in art and Eastern mysticism, and an around-the-world ticket with a few friends dotted across the globe, Jez seeks answers on the road. Based on a true story, we go a journey with Jez surfing magical waves in Bali; experimenting with mind-altering substances in London and Amsterdam; falling in love in Canada with a snowboarding pothead; camping with a Christian scientologist hippy in Oregon; and hitching a ride with Satan and the Anti-Christ in Mexico. Having a reflective nature, he keeps a journal, writes poetry, philosophy and emails his muse in Australia. Jez asks the questions; what really is success? What's my purpose? Where does this journey take one? Travel uproots his attachments, brings some answers and a new sense of freedom, whilst following the mystery. A novel begins to bud from Jez's musings, yet it's ending remains clouded by some unknown force. Black Sheep, White Light is a gripping tale of adventure, and the blooming of an artist on his quest for truth. It is a testimonial to following one's bliss and dreams, listening to one's heart, and surrendering to the mystery of life, no matter how challenging it can become. It's a story for those who dare to dream, journey, and follow their truths to where the light shines bright. "It's truly rare and precious to find a book which has this level of non-judgmental honesty, depth, sensitivity and respect whilst exploring the outer worlds of travel, extreme sports, sex, drugs and rock-n-roll." -Lisa Fitzpatrick ~ Soul Purpose Coach & Author

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