The Black Cat Change-Up di David A Kelly edito da Curveball Books
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The Black Cat Change-Up





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Descrizione The Black Cat Change-Up

Batter up! It's another Ballpark Mysteries chapter book. Next up is New York City! Why is a black cat haunting the New York Mets? Kate and Mike arrive in New York for a big game against the Chicago Cubs, but Cookie, the team's star hitter, is rattled by a phantom feline. Without a win at that night's game, the Mets' season might be over. Can Mike and Kate figure out who's bringing a black cat and bad luck to the team before the big game? Ballpark Mysteries are the all-star matchup of fun sleuthing and baseball action, perfect for readers of Ron Roy's A to Z Mysteries and Matt Christopher's sports books, and younger siblings of Mike Lupica fans. Each Ballpark Mystery also features Dugout Notes with more amazing baseball facts.

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