Biocompatibility of Dental Materials di Gottfried Schmalz, Dorthe Arenholt-Bindslev edito da Springer-Verlag GmbH
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Biocompatibility of Dental Materials





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Descrizione Biocompatibility of Dental Materials

This book provides a comprehensive and scientifically based overview of the biocompatibility of dental materials. Up-to-date concepts of biocompatibility assessment are presented, as well as information on almost all material groups used in daily dentistry practice. Furthermore, special topics of clinical relevance (e.g,, environmental and occupational hazards and the diagnosis of adverse effects) are covered. The book will:improve the reader¿s ability to critically analyze information provided by manufacturers supply a better understanding of the biocompatibility of single material groups, which will help the reader choose the most appropriate materials for any given patient and thus prevent adverse effects from developing  provide insights on how to conduct objective, matter-of-fact discussions with patients about the materials to be used in dental procedures advise readers, through the use of well-documented concepts, on how to treat patients who claim adverse effects from dental materials  feature clinical photographs that will serve as a reference when analyzing clinical symptoms, such as oral mucosa reactions.

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