Biocatalysis: Enzymatic Basics and Applications edito da SYRAWOOD PUB HOUSE
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Biocatalysis: Enzymatic Basics and Applications





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Descrizione Biocatalysis: Enzymatic Basics and Applications

Biocatalysis refers to the process of increasing the rate of a chemical reaction by adding a substance, known as a biocatalyst. Enzymes and hormones are types of biocatalysts. Enzymes are substances that function as catalysts in living organisms, controlling the pace at which the chemical reactions take place without changing the enzyme itself. They play a critical role in the catalysis of various reactions, such as the making of alcohols through fermentation process, and cheese through the breakdown of milk proteins. In large-scale chemical synthesis, the usage of enzymes is increasing and an in-depth knowledge of reaction mechanisms of enzymes will be helpful in drug target and delivery systems. This book is a valuable compilation of topics centered on the enzymatic basics and applications of biocatalysis. It is meant for students who are looking for an elaborate reference text on enzymes and biocatalysis. A number of latest researches have been included to keep the readers up-to-date with the global concepts in this area of study.

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