Bingham the Bobcat di Gwen Poe edito da Page Publishing Inc
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Bingham the Bobcat





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Descrizione Bingham the Bobcat

This book is about the rescue and survival of a bobcat kitten named Bingham. He was one of three abandoned kittens due to an apparent tragedy for the mother. The nursing skills and care by Vera Jones guaranteed the kitten's survival. Professional diet and veterinary care were also vital keys involved with the bobcat's adaptation to a different habitat. The healthy adaptations continued to promote survival. He lived ten years. Bingham was a very tame bobcat, and everyone respected his boundaries. He enjoyed Gerber 2nd Foods Turkey baby food as a treat. He was always the center of attention at a school function or retirement home or company picnic. And he was an easy traveler. Bingham was a family member along with three dogs and a cat. Bingham was a great treasure.

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