Billionaire Auction di Tia Fanning, Brynn Paulin edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Billionaire Auction





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Descrizione Billionaire Auction

He has a paddle. Maybe he'll bid... After her father is caught embezzling millions, Moriah agrees to sell herself in a Billionaire's Auction - one weekend and her virginity awarded to the highest bidder. While she might appear as the doting daughter, doing whatever is necessary to keep her father out of prison, Moriah has much more at stake than securing the freedom of a parent she despises. She'll do whatever she has to do to keep her sister safe. Her first time should be for love, not for sacrifice... When Kendrick gave Moriah's father three days to return the stolen money, he never imagined the scoundrel would set up some twisted "virginity auction" and sell his daughter to one of their perverted billionaire clients. Kendrick will be damned if he'll let that Moriah prostitute herself for her greedy father. It's not going to happen. Not if he can help it. And being a billionaire himself, he intends to make sure it doesn't.

Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
€ 14.28
Disponibile in 10-12 giorni
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