Big Brown Bear di Zoe Saunders edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Big Brown Bear





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Descrizione Big Brown Bear

Big Brown Bear wakes up in the springtime to the sound of twittering birdsong and the smell of blossom floating on the breeze...Join Big Brown Bear on her journey through the wilderness, as she searches for food through the changing seasons.A calming and immersive story which incorporates all of the senses; sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.A sensory story is a story which is brought to life through a variety of activities which are designed to stimulate the senses. These activities are experienced along with the spoken words and pictures. Sensory stories transform the simple act of reading a book into a fun and immersive experience, where the participants can smell, touch, see, taste and hear the same things as the character in the book. They are especially enjoyable for younger children, or children/adults with special educational needs and/or disabilities.The story of Big Brown Bear includes all of the senses; sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. The story was designed so that you would be able to incorporate a variety of sensory activities to enjoy as you read the book.

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€ 22.78
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