The Big Book of Bible Difficulties di Norman L. Geisler, Thomas Howe edito da Baker Publishing Group
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The Big Book of Bible Difficulties

Clear and Concise Answers from Genesis to Revelation





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Descrizione The Big Book of Bible Difficulties

Your most difficult Bible questions--answered.The Bible is full of difficult passages that are hard for believers to understand, let alone those who doubt Scripture. Where can you turn for solid answers on the thorny and complex parts of God's Word?This comprehensive volume offers clear and concise answers to every major Bible difficulty from Genesis to Revelation, staunchly defending the authority and inspiration of Scripture. Written in a problem/solution format, the book covers over eight hundred questions that critics and doubters raise about the Bible. Three extensive indexes--topical, Scripture, and unorthodox doctrines--offer quick and easy access to the answers you need.Multipurpose in scope and user-friendly in format, The Big Book of Bible Difficulties offers the resources of five books in one: -a critical commentary on the whole Bible -an apologetics text -a Bible difficulties reference -a theology manual treating important doctrines -a handbook on verses misused by cults Norman L. Geisler is cofounder and former dean of Southern Evangelical Seminary. He is the author of more than seventy books, including the Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics.Thomas Howe is professor of Bible and biblical languages and director of apologetics at the Southern Evangelical Seminary and Bible College.

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