The Big Bang Theory Book of Lists: The Official Guide to Characters, Quotes, Timelines, and Memorable Moments from the Social Group di Bryan Young edito da RUNNING PR BOOK PUBL
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The Big Bang Theory Book of Lists: The Official Guide to Characters, Quotes, Timelines, and Memorable Moments from the Social Group

The Official Guide To Characters, Quotes, Timelines, And Memorable Moments





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Descrizione The Big Bang Theory Book of Lists: The Official Guide to Characters, Quotes, Timelines, and Memorable Moments from the Social Group

Celebrate the nerdiest friend group with this ultimate fan guide packed with trivia, facts, and memories from all twelve seasons of The Big Bang Theory. With more than 100 inventive lists, charts, and timelines, The Big Bang Theory Book of Lists offers fans a creative way of looking at and celebrating the iconic and beloved early 2000s sitcom. Revisit some of your favorite moments, pairings, cameos, and geeky references (or test your super-fan knowledge) with these fun groupings exploring the variables of life in apartment 4A.Lists include:Timelines of all the characters, their romantic partnerships, vows, and weddings  Analysis of Sheldon's Public Restroom KitAll of Penny’s Relationship AdvicePictorial Records for Sheldon, Leonard, Penny, Howard, Raj, Amy, and BernadetteRecord of all of the guests (cameos) in the apartmentDiagram of The Universe of All WomenEverything that's in Bernadette's Grab BagA break-down of all of Sheldon's geeky shirts and their referencesAnd more!Illustrated with full-color photographs and visuals from the show throughout, The Big Bang Theory Book of Lists is an officially licensed, must-have collector's item for the ultimate fan.THE BIG BANG THEORY and all related characters and elements © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s22) 

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