BiCMOS Technology and Applications edito da Springer US
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BiCMOS Technology and Applications


Springer US





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Descrizione BiCMOS Technology and Applications

BiCMOS Technology and Applications, Second Edition provides a synthesis of available knowledge about the combination of bipolar and MOS transistors in a common integrated circuit - BiCMOS. In this new edition all chapters have been updated and completely new chapters on emerging topics have been added. In addition, BiCMOS Technology and Applications, Second Edition provides the reader with a knowledge of either CMOS or Bipolar technology/design a reference with which they can make educated decisions regarding the viability of BiCMOS in their own application. BiCMOS Technology and Applications, Second Edition is vital reading for practicing integrated circuit engineers as well as technical managers trying to evaluate business issues related to BiCMOS. As a textbook, this book is also appropriate at the graduate level for a special topics course in BiCMOS. A general knowledge in device physics, processing and circuit design is assumed. Given the division of the book, it lends itself well to a two-part course; one on technology and one on design. This will provide advanced students with a good understanding of tradeoffs between bipolar and MOS devices and circuits.

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