Beyond the Classroom Walls: Imagining the Future of Education, from Community Schools to Communiversities di Bertram C. Bruce edito da ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD
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Beyond the Classroom Walls: Imagining the Future of Education, from Community Schools to Communiversities

Imagining The Future Of Education, From Community Schools To Communiversities





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Descrizione Beyond the Classroom Walls: Imagining the Future of Education, from Community Schools to Communiversities

The book asks readers to adopt a critical and comprehensive view of education (pre-K to lifelong learning) as existing both within classroom walls, and in the surrounding world, including communities and workplaces. It presents an integrated view of online learning, community schools, communiversities, and learning through work. Our educational systems are organized in ways that make this integration difficult. We have elaborate systems of formal instruction--academies, schools, universities, and training institutes--all to facilitate learning within the walls. At the same time we have ample opportunities for learning in the wild. Unfortunately these systems diverge to the point that they do little to support learning that allows us to draw from both of the realms of knowledge. But it is possible to bring together learning within the walls with that beyond the walls. Moreover it is crucial to make these connections in the world of today. In order to bring together the classroom and daily life we need an educational system that does that as well. The book provides a coherent account of how schooling can and should relate to learning beyond the classroom walls.

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