Beverly Hills Buddha: The True Story of an Enlightened Rogue di David Traub edito da Image Masters, Inc
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Beverly Hills Buddha: The True Story of an Enlightened Rogue






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Descrizione Beverly Hills Buddha: The True Story of an Enlightened Rogue

From wild orgies on the open seas to the depths of human suffering to the heights of spiritual enlightenment-you couldn't ask for a better Hollywood script. In the late 1950s, David Traub, a high school student selling door to door in his spare time, was making five times what the average head of household made in this country. He was still a teenager when he'd made his first million. By his early twenties, he'd increased that many, many times over. He had magnificent mansions, a fleet of high-priced cars, and a custom-built yacht. People who met him were astonished that a man so young ran a company so large. Long before the invention of frequent-flier miles, he was jetting to Europe on a regular basis. He rubbed shoulders with famous people and other body parts with beautiful women. His sexual exploits spanned decades and ranged from swinging-singles orgies at infamous sex-party houses to his dalliance with Dustin Hoffman's nanny who was half his age. He owned champion show dogs, racehorses, and priceless art treasures. And then he lost it all. He went from flying to his oceanfront estate in Hawaii to not being able to pay the heating bill on his last mansion. In the aftermath, when he wasn't sure if even life itself was worth the effort, he had a chance encounter with a Buddhist Zen Master, and his focus on what's really important changed-from outer trappings to inner peace. Beverly Hills Buddha is a true story, with a cast of characters ranging from Charo to Earl Flynn's wingman to a lesbian couple who engaged in S&M sexual acts for passengers aboard his yacht. David lived it all. Now, he's ready to share the story of his incredible journey, a fascinating rags-to-riches-to-rags saga and a spiritual odyssey. A must read for anyone who came of age during the sexual revolution! "Every now and then a book comes along that captivates its readers in a way few others do, however, Beverly Hills Buddha is such a book." Actor Martin Landau

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