Better Than I Ever Expected: Straight Talk about Sex After Sixty di Joan Price edito da SEAL PR CA
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Better Than I Ever Expected: Straight Talk about Sex After Sixty

Straight Talk about Sex After Sixty







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Descrizione Better Than I Ever Expected: Straight Talk about Sex After Sixty

"Better Than I Ever Expected is a warm, witty, and honest book that contends with the challenges and celebrates the delights of older-life sexuality. It asserts that women over sixty are at the top of their game when it comes to enjoying sex. Joan Price's woman-to-woman straight talk transcends the self-help style of other books in this field. Yes, there are challenges to sex after menopause and beyond, says Price, but there are also creative solutions. She is on a mission to let women her age and older know that they can, in fact, have the best sex of their lives. Price gets personal and stays positive, combining her own story with candid comments, tips, and sassy tales from sexually seasoned women. She acknowledges the gritty issues that older women confront in their sexual lives, noting that it's not easy, but it certainly isn't over. At age 61, Price is newly engaged to the man she's been looking for her whole life. Her discovery of how great "well-seasoned" sex can be was the inspiration for this book. Sidebars present candid and friendly sex tips; fitness, exercise, and lifestyle information; and women's erotic vignettes -- both real-life experiences and fantasies.

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