Best Tales, Stories, and Adventures di Authorhouse Eac edito da AuthorHouse
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Best Tales, Stories, and Adventures

From Monroe County Fifth Graders







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Descrizione Best Tales, Stories, and Adventures

AuthorHouse is headquartered in Bloomington, Indiana. We are proud to be the leading provider of publishing and marketing services for authors around the world. We employ hundreds of dedicated professionals at our headquarters and offices located in Indianapolis and abroad in the United Kingdom. Through an exclusive AuthorCentric Publishing Process, our authors control their creative process of crafting their books, by taking advantage of our knowledge of the publishing industry to allow them to reach their publishing goals. AuthorHouse titles are available at more than 25,000 retail outlets worldwide, including and AuthorHouse is proud of developing opportunities for all aspiring authors through community action believing that this contributes value to the community. Accordingly, AuthorHouse has sponsored a writing competition for fifth graders in Monroe County, Indiana schools. Our hope is that this competition inspires young writers and creates increased literacy awareness in our community. The winning stories were selected by each school's committee based on the following criteria: creativity, effort, storyline structure, and sentence structure. All young authors with the most notable stories will receive a complimentary copy of the published book. In addition, their schools; libraries and the local public libraries will receive a complimentary copy of these works. AuthorHouse is excited to have offered this opportunity to the youth in our community. We look forward with anticipation to future writing competitions.

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