Best Stem Resources for Nextgen Scientists: The Essential Selection and User's Guide di Jennifer Hopwood edito da LIBRARIES UNLIMITED INC
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Best Stem Resources for Nextgen Scientists: The Essential Selection and User's Guide

The Essential Selection And User's Guide

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Descrizione Best Stem Resources for Nextgen Scientists: The Essential Selection and User's Guide

Intended to support the national initiative to strengthen learning in areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, this book helps librarians who work with youth in school and public libraries to build better collections and more effectively use these collections through readers' advisory and programming. A versatile and multi-faceted guide, Best STEM Resources for NextGen Scientists: The Essential Selection and User's Guide serves as a readers' advisory and collection development resource for youth services and school librarians seeking to bring STEM-related titles into their collections and introduce teachers and young readers to them. This book not only guides readers to hundreds of the best STEM-related titles-fiction and non-fiction printed materials as well as apps, DVDs, websites, and games-it also includes related activities or programming ideas to help promote the use of the collection to patrons or students in storytime, afterschool programs, or passive library programs. After a detailed discussion of the importance of STEM and the opportunities librarians have for involvement, the book lists and describes best STEM resources for young learners. Resources are organized according to the reading audiences for which they are intended, from toddlers through teens, and the book includes annotated lists of both fiction and nonfiction STEM titles as well as graphic novels, digital products, and online resources. In addition, the author offers a selection of professional readings for librarians and media specialists who wish to further expand their knowledge.

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