The Best of the Show: A Classic Collection of Wit and Wisdom di Bill Scheft edito da GRAND CENTRAL PUBL
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The Best of the Show: A Classic Collection of Wit and Wisdom

A Classic Collection Of Wit And Wisdom





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"The Show" is the second most widely-read column in Sports Illustrated, after Rick Reilly, who will write one of the book's introductions. Sports Illustrated has over three million subscribers, the third highest magazine circulation in the United States, and is read by 23 million adults each week. The Best Of "The Show" will appeal to fans of Rick Reilly's Life of Reilly and Bill Geist's Fore! Play, both of which were bestsellers. Scheft was the Emmy Award-nominated head monologue writer for David Letterman for 13 years and routinely appears on the air with him. He is a frequent guest on the talk show circuit and on sports radio programs all over the country.

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