The Best Of Rudyard Kipling - A Collection Of Essential Poetry di Kipling Rudyard Kipling edito da Ragged Hand - Read & Co.
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The Best Of Rudyard Kipling - A Collection Of Essential Poetry

A Collection Of Essential Poetry





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Descrizione The Best Of Rudyard Kipling - A Collection Of Essential Poetry

Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865¿1936) was an English novelist, journalist, poet, and short-story writer most famous for his stories set in and related to colonial India. He innovated the art of short story writing and was one of the most popular writers in the U.K. during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. A brand new collection of Kipling's best poetry, including ¿Gunga Din¿, ¿If¿¿, ¿Recessional¿, ¿The Gods of the Copybook Headings¿, ¿The White Man's Burden¿, ¿Mesopotamiä, ¿The Female of the Species¿, ¿The Ballad of East and West¿, ¿Epitaphs of the War¿, ¿The Way Through the Woods¿, ¿Mother O' Mine¿, and many more. A fantastic collection not to be missed by poetry lovers and fans of Kipling's seminal work. Other notable works by this author include: ¿The Jungle Book¿ (1894), ¿Kim¿ (1901), and ¿The Man Who Would be King¿ (1888).

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